product Catalogs
    ▷ 3D Modeling, Trimble SketchUp
    ▷ Technical Illustration, Adobe Illustrator
    ▷ Document Layout, Template Design
    ▷ Interactive & Print-Ready PDF
Specification Guide and Price List
Watson's 400+ page technical product catalog, The Comprehensive Price List and Sales Guide, was used for several audiences:
    ▷ a record of engineering capabilities from Product Engineering
    ▷ a training resource for on-boarding new Sales Representatives
    ▷ a reference of accurate costing and product features for Sales Reps
    ▷ a guide to product models for the Design Team's custom solutions
Inspired by Urban Influence's brand work for Watson's website, I overhauled the Catalog to match.
Instead of a single book for all products and product lines, I split the document into individual catalogs to showcase the key product features and unique specifications of each line.
While there are hundreds of spreads in this body of work, the gallery below shows excerpted diagrams and layouts from the most technical product line: Watson Dispatch's Mercury console, furniture for 911 dispatch centers.
Trimble SketchUp   Adobe Illustrator    Adobe InDesign    Adobe Acrobat
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